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而在3月15日,Business Insider的Jim Edwards已经就新浪微博向SEC(美国证券交易委员会)提交的F-1文件(部分美国以外公司注册上市声明)进行了分析,以下是一些摘要:

  • Ownership: Weibo is owned and controlled by Sina Corp. which has 77% of the shares. Alibaba group, a Chinese e-commerce company, invested $585.8 million and owns 18% of the company, with an option to increase its stake to 30%. (Yahoo owns 24% of Alibaba.)
  • Revenues in 2013: $188 million, up 185%. (Twitter by contrast got $665 million in the same period.) 2013年收入1.88亿美元,增长185%(推特同期收入是6.65亿美元)
  • Net loss in 2013: $38 million (its net loss is declining). 2013年净亏3800万美元(有下降)
  • 129 million monthly active users. (Twitter has 241 million MAUs.) Users generate 2.8 billion feeds a month. Interestingly, Weibo is much smaller than previously thought. It's less of a threat to Twitter. 每月有1.29亿活跃用户(推特是2.41亿),每月由用户发布280亿条微博
  • 70% of Weibo users are on mobile devices. 70%微博用户使用移动设备。
  • Revenue per user is roughly $1.45. (Twitter's RPU is roughly $1.49.) 每名用户产生收入估值1.45美元(推特是1.49美元)
  • Weibo's Alibaba alliance will bring it $380 million in revenues through 2015.(微博与阿里巴巴的联盟,到2015年会给微博带来3.8亿美元收入)
  • Weibo is holding $246 million in cash on its balance sheet. 微博账上有2.46亿美元现金在账上。
  • Weibo can be shut down by the Chinese government any time if it "impairs the national dignity of China." 如果微博损及了中国的尊严,会被中国政府随时关闭
  • Weibo must also register its encryption software with the Chinese government.微博的加密软件必须在中国政府注册。
  • The company is officially registered in the Cayman Islands in order to avoid lawsuits.微博公司注册在开曼群岛以避税。




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