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Wavin' Flag与Bob Marley

Wavin' Flag(维基简介)是2010年南非世界杯的主题曲(根据Billboard新闻,2009年9月K'Naan就开始庆祝其歌曲作为世界杯主题曲了)。不过最初传唱的Wavin' Flag版本却并非某饮料公司赞助的MV中所显得的那么和谐欢乐,如下(这个MV的背景居然U2的ONE的场景,看来是视频作者加上去,然后将Wavin' Flag作为背景音乐):

以上这一首Wavin' Flag被称为欢庆版(Celebration Version),其音乐节奏非常欢快:

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition,
Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us

而作为中文版本的Wavin' Flag被翻译为旗开得胜,然后就被张学友和张海豚活生生地糟蹋了。

最早在Youtube的Wavin' Flag版本是最2009年5月2日上传的,是K'Naan在加拿大QTV(K'Naan是加籍索马里裔歌手)的现场演唱的。有人将其传到了Youku:

这一版本应该是Wavin' Flag的最早版本,其歌词更是处处宣扬着自由和抗争

Cause we just move forward like Buffalo soldiers
But we struggling, fighting to eat
And we wondering, when we'll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day

k'naan marley cover

听到Buffalo Soldiers的时候,忽然想到了Bob Marley的《Buffalo Soldiers》(看得出K'Naan挺推崇Bob Marley的)。在歌中,Bob Marley将Buffalo Soldiers比喻为为生存而战的人。(Baffalo Soldiers成立于1866年,是美国陆军中的一部分)


作为黑人歌手,Bob Marley和K'Naan的歌都带着很强的自由意识和抗争意识。作为Marley的故乡,牙买加当时充满了暴力和犯罪以及政府对人民的压榨,是以这位伟大的音乐家创作了No Woman No Cry, Get Up Stand Up等歌曲,这些广为传唱的歌曲呼吁人们奋起抗争:Get Up, stand up, stand up for right. get up stand up, don't the fight.而作为K'Naan的故乡,索马里这个连联合国都曾放弃过的国家,一度被武装力量控制,之后又进入无政府状态,混乱成为索马里的常态。于是K'Naan的歌中唱到We fight their battles, then they deceive us.When I get older, I will be stronger.They'll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag.


"He made music for us. You know, 'Children learn your culture / Or you won't get no supper.' These are the words that I felt like - coming up, growing up - that he was talking to me. And because of that, I'm looking at my culture. And because of that, I'm sharing with you my culture."
-K'Naan from "Introduction to Bob Marley"


--K'Naan 在"向你介绍Bob Marley"一歌中写道

然而天妒英才,Bob Marley在36岁的壮年之时去世(他去世于1981年5月11日,今年是他逝世29周年),要不然今年的世界杯的时候,他极有可能出现在世界杯的舞台上。与K'Naan一同唱着:Give me Freedom.

作为墙国国民,我只能唱着:When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom.

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  • J 2010/06/16, 02:24
